Top civil engineering magazines

Civil Engineering News
Civil Engineering Journals
Civil Engineering Journals
- ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems – Publish cross-disciplinary papers about methodologies for monitoring, evaluating, expanding, repairing, replacing, financing, or otherwise sustaining the civil infrastructure.
- Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering – Bimonthly journal of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Publishes articles in the fields of structure, construction, mechanics, materials,transportation, computer applications, hydrotechnical and environmental engineering.
- Civil Engineering Magazine Online – Explore the latest contents of Civil Engineering magazine, the official publication of the American Society of Civil Engineers:
- Civil Engineering News Online – An independent news source for information on engineered projects; consulting firm management; surveying GPS; rehabilitation of structures; construction materials methods; public works.
- Concrete Canoe Magazine – Published annually and dedicated to students that are involved in the concrete canoe project.
- Engineering News-Record – Site features headline news, searchable directories of engineers, contractors and industry job listings for architects, engineers, and other professionals.
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering – An international journal that covers the complete spectrum of geo-engineering including soil and rock engineering and hydrogeology.
- Grading and Ecavation Contractor Online – Grading and Excavation Contractor is a professional journal covering the construction industry, published by Forester Publishing, Inc.
- Institution of Civil Engineer’s Virtual Library – Provides searchable access to the institute’s repository of full text civil engineering papers stretching back to 1836. Pay per view or subscription based.
- Journal of Composites for Construction – Deals with composite materials consisting of continuous synthetic fibers and matrices for use in civil engineering structures and subjected to the loading and environments of the infrastructure.
- Observer Newsletter – A newsletter for all engineers and those interested in the profession.
- Roads and Bridges Magazine – Provides engineers, contractors and government information on equipment, materials, technology, and products targeted to transportation specifying/buying teams who design, build and maintain the facilities.
- Terra et Aqua – International journal on public works, ports and waterways developments. Presents dredging related papers on important scientific and state-of-the-art subjects.
- Current Methods
– explores water resources engineering, with articles and current events in
hydrology and hydraulics. From Haestad Methods. - Thomas Telford Journals
– online journals include Geotechnique, Civil Engineering, Structural
Concrete and the complete proceedings of the Institution of Civil
Engineers - Journal of Hydraulic Research
– bimonthly published by the International Association of Hydraulic
Engineering and Research (IAHR) - ACI Materials Journal
- Applied Acoustics
- ASTM Standardization News
- Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
- ByggForskning
- Concrete International
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Environmental Geology
- Extremes
- First Break
- Geology Today
- Geophysical Prospecting
- Holzforschung
- ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Journal
- International Journal of Computer-Integrated Design and Construction
- International Journal of Project Management
- International Journal of Water Resources Development
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
- Journal of Architectural Engineering
- Journal of Bridge Engineering
- Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
- Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
- Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
- Journal of Engineering Mechanics
- Journal of Environmental Engineering
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
- Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
- Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
- Journal of Infrastructure Systems
- Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- Journal of Management in Engineering
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
- Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
- Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
- Journal of Public Transportation
- Journal of Structural Engineering
- Journal of Surveying Engineering
- Journal of Transportation Engineering
- Journal of Urban Planning and
Development - Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
- Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
- Journal of Wood Science
- The Leading Edge
- Materials Technology
- Meccanica
- Natural Hazards
- Natural Hazards Review
- Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
- Public Roads
- Research in Engineering Design
- Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
- Soil Science
- Strassenverkehrstechnik(Non English)
- Water Resources Management
- Wood and Fiber Science Journal
- Wood Design Focus
- Wood Science and Technology
Various other useful links to Civil Engineering Journals and Magazines are:-
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